Sunday 2 March 2014

Thai Prisons Boxing – A way to reduce your Jail Sentence

Thailand is a beautiful land which heavily depends on Tourism earnings. This land has a u unique rule for its citizens who are under bars and are facing the sentence announced by court of law. There are different ways around the world to that help the prisoners to reduce their sentence.

The Pakistani prisoners have to wait for Eid festivals as government announces redemption of sentence for those prisoners who are not involved in serious and sensitive crimes. However in Thailand the rules are different as the prisoners are required to fight for their freedom.

Yes I am not kidding, the prisoners of Thailand are required to have a fight and the winner of that fight is eligible for reducing the term period behind the bars. The Klong Prem Central Prison of Thailand offers to Beat Up foreigners in order to shorten your Jail Term Period.

Prison Fights are organized by Thailand’s Department of Correction and offers such types of matches on regular intervals. The winners are offered by shorten term period, freedom from jail and cash prizes as well.


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