Saturday, 14 February 2015

Valentine Day – A Look to Global Event

The planet earth has turned into global village where everyone having access to internet can access the virtual resources. This puts social communication and social relationships to new heights and new horizons. Talking about 14th February which has now adopt as a global event for Love and affections for each others, especially the couples who are engaged or looking forward to start their relationship celebrate Valentine Day as a special event.

Teddy Bear Valentine Day Gift

According to J.C Cooper in the dictionary of Christianity, Saint Valentine who was a priest of Rome and was caged with allegations of succoring persecuted Christians. While according to Bede’s Martyrology, the Saint Valentine interrogated by Claudius II Roman Emperor who wanted to convert Saint Valentine to Roman Paganism.

TAIPEI 101 Valentine's Day

Just before his execution to death, Saint Valentine has said to performed a miracle by healing Julia (daughter of Jailer Asterius), with this miracle, Jailer and his 44 family members along with his servants came to believe in Jesus and were baptized.

Celebration as event:
Heart shaped Valentine day ballon

In 18th Century, the people of England started to celebrate 14th February as a day to express love with others especially with their loved ones, and connect the event with romantic love. They expressed their love via different gifts including Valentine Cards, Flowers, Chocolates and Valentine Gift Boxes.

In modern times, People use heart shaped boxes to unlock them, doves, and the cupid figures, while hand written and typed Valentine Day Cards, Valentine Day Poems and Valentine Day Poetry got attention of lovers. With the advancement in science, Valentine Day Poems Books in pdf format, Valentine Day SMS for Mobile Devices, Valentine Day MMS in audio and visual shapes, Valentine Day Apps become popular.

Valentine Day in Modern Ages:

Valentine Couple

Now the event has become a global event and is celebrated almost in all countries except in some conservative countries. Here are some facts about business relating to Valentine Day:

Richard Cadbury:

Chocolate gift on valentine day

Richard Cadbury was the first one who made Chocolate Box especially for Valentine Day, after this, Chocolate Box gifts has turned in to a trend on Valentine Day and now we experienced the sale of almost 35 million Heart shaped Chocolate Boxes on Valentine Day across the world. More specifically, only in America, people purchased Chocolate of $1 Billion on Valentine Day.

Red Rose and Valentine Day:

red rose gift on valentine day

Red color is associated with romance, that’s why people prefer red color dresses, especially female lovers wear red color Valentine Day Dresses, while sale of Red Roses on Valentine Day multiplies several folds. According to statistics, 190 million Red Roses sales are recorded only in USA.

Some annual Key Facts about 14 February:

15%American Women post flowers to their selves
About 0.220 million Marriage Proposals are addressed on Valentine Day only
Teachers receives more Valentine Day Cards from students than any other group
85% Valentine Day Gifts buyers from America are women
After Teachers, Children receives more cards from parents followed by Mothers, Wives and then unmarried lovers

Pets are the last group of Valentine Day Cards Receivers as only 3% pet holders present Valentine Day Cards to their pets


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